AIDA Cruise Ships Sail with MEIKO Dishwashing Technology

Cruise liner tourism is booming. There are currently around 250 luxury cruise ships operating on the world's oceans. One of the most successful of these cruise liners belongs to the German shipping line AIDA Cruises: When it was launched in 1996, the AIDACara was the first ship of its kind to implement an informal "club" ethos on the high seas.
One of the key principles of the "AIDA club ship" concept is to offer high-quality on-board dining. That requires a highly sophisticated inventory control system which is capable of processing huge quantities of produce on board, including 75 types of cheese, 190 types of fresh fruit, 17,000 kg of onions and more than 48,000 kg of pineapple. A weekly log for the "AIDAsol" records the consumption of 12 tons of meat, 6 tons of fish, 16 tons of fresh vegetables, 1,700 lobsters and 34,000 eggs. And in addition to 5,000 litres of red and white wine, there is also an on-board brewery which brews and serves some 22,500 litres of beer on each cruise.
Processing such vast quantities of food to produce the culinary delights enjoyed by passengers requires watertight logistics behind the scenes. Maintaining high standards of hygiene is absolutely essential, especially in regard to the ships' dishwashing operations. MEIKO dishwashing technology has been installed on a number of AIDA's liners to ensure sparkling clean, hygienic dishwashing results and easy, reliable food waste disposal.

Sustainability is important to AIDA Cruises, which is why the company is participating in a research project run by the German government
Sustainability is important to AIDA Cruises, which is why the company is participating in a research project run by the German government aimed at developing fuel cells which should help to reduce the amount of fossil fuel consumed by ocean-going ships. The company is also continuing to work on its "3-litre ship" concept, a project that has already reduced the fuel consumption of AIDA cruise liners to no more than 3 litres per passenger per 100 kilometres sailed.
The following ships are equipped with MEIKO technology:
AIDAvita, AIDAaura, AIDAdiva, AIDAbella, AIDAluna, AIDAblu, AIDAsol, AIDAmar, AIDAstella