a cleanly run operation with clear conditions

Expect to find us in every port: MEIKO's customer service experts keep all your bases covered.
No matter where you drop your anchor, our handpicked, authorized and specially trained service technicians worldwide are ready to answer your call 365 days a year. By the same token, they are already familiar with your individual MEIKO warewashing solution. Why? Because MEIKO wants to offer you more than just the best technology:
we also give you the highly qualified support you need to keep your operation afloat and underway - year in, year out.
Docked or tendered, at sea or on shore:
we are there for you.
Our comprehensive range of services include project support while under construction in shipyard, initial equipment installation, refurbishment, introductions and technical briefings. We also provide maintenance and repairs, spare parts, and long-term onboard training for scullery and maintenance staff as well as crews and operators.

Clean from every angle:
the service values that guide us.
Professional warewashing, cleaning and disinfection - that's the element we thrive in. We like to keep the bigger picture in mind: people, natural resources and the environment. In our opinion, a truly clean solution needs to offer decisive added value.
The MEIKO wheel of service values illustrates our approach: you can turn things whichever way you like, but if you want to run true, you need to strike a balance between efficiency, quality and trust.

Range of services
- On-site project support
- Initial installation
- Replacement
- Technical briefings
- Onboard staff and crew trainings
- Maintenance
- Repairs
- Spare parts supply