World class enjoyment in Mexico City

All over the world, Bordeaux, Rioja and Mexico City are known for their excellent wines. Mexico City? Yes, you read right. When the name Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (CMB) is mentioned, wine connoisseurs perk up their ears. And this legendary institution operates its own wine bar in the heart of Mexico. Only the international ‘crème de la crème’ is offered here. Wines, glassware, interior, equipment – keeping it world class is a point of honour.


A trip to Cuauhtémoc is a must when visiting this Mexican metropolis. No borough is marvelled at more often than this one bearing the proud name of the last Aztec ruler. One reason for this is the Zona Rosa. Once a district of aristocratic residences, today it is a vibrant scene full of art, start-ups and restaurants. Right at the heart of this district, you will find the Wine Bar by CMB.


This bar's roots are in the famous Concours Mondial de Bruxelles. For over 25 years, this renowned competition has led a tireless search for the best flavours in the world. The globe’s top winemakers go up against a panel of judges, their peers in every respect. The coveted prize: the CMB medal. It is easy to guess what happens when an institution like this starts its own bar. And nobody knows this better than Carlos Borboa, Director of the Wine Bar by CMB. Sommelier, chef, communicator, columnist, musician and ‘wine geek’, Mr Borboa is a man of many talents. He is the current head sommelier here but has also been a tasting judge at the CMB several times and has travelled the world in the name of flavour, not to mention that, in 2018, he was even awarded a CMB seal himself for being one of the top three wine tasters in the world.

Everything in the Wine Bar by CMB revolves around flavour, body, and bouquet. Thousands of bottles from over 50 countries await a lively throng of guests. In tasting sessions and courses, the professionals of tomorrow learn more about the nuances of the growing regions and enjoy the wines in a relaxed, elegant lounge atmosphere. The responsibility that Mr Borboa has taken on could not be greater.

‘The best wines of the world can only be served in the best glasses, and they, too, are a delicate masterpiece’,

he emphasises. Not a hint of mist can be allowed to impair their lustre. Not the slightest residue can distort smell or taste. Any of this would be obvious and an unforgivable contravention of the conventions of wine tasting. At this level, the response would be merciless. Just like breaking the glass. The high expectations of a CMB medal therefore do not just apply to the world's best wines. They are only as good as the glasses that contain them. The enjoyment of the wine, then, rises or falls on the warewashing technology to which the glasses are entrusted. ‘They must be absolutely free of smell and chemical, physical, or biological materials,’ explains Mr Borboa. That is why the Wine Bar by CMB trusts MEIKO. The M-iClean U cabinet model meets the difficult task of ensuring that all these factors are achieved while, at the same time, working economically, quickly, and sustainably. Yet another reason for a trip to Cuauhtémoc. Cheers!